Brand Identity: Week One – Research

For brand choice i’ve chosen Enganche Venture Capitalist and I’m going to make the design have a powerful imposing precense with almost ominous undertones. For research I looked into ideas of old symbol use and modern versions. The use of aggresive animals holding onto the circle gives a sense of royalism and power. The two snakes however less imposing has given me an idea to use a snake or a snake shapes within my own. Drafts to follow.

atheist-symbol two_serpents_lm52



Another thing i’ve began to focus on is the use of colour and the trends of modern banks. Flat and not bold however they do have presence.  These cards from the M Bank have identity just through  the colour scheme used. Having no outline either around the pictures just the shapes formed from the colours.



Week 10: Info-graphic idea set finally

After discussing my issue with our teacher Chris and he looked at some of my mock up vectors he began to structure it into a comic book front page and then it suddenly all clicked. I’m now doing a web comic style graphic novel that is sarcastic and has some facts about Einstein but the facts are looked at in a different way, a more cynical approach to the information and task. This isn’t a reflection of my feelings towards the task though its simply because the web comics that interest me and I read are all in a sarcastic, cynical and simple lay out and style.

Initial mock up of the front cover, i’ve used the term “zine” cause I want it to sound pretentious and yet underground at the same time.


Week 2: Initial Idea Development

Moving forward with the futuristic Viking idea I’ve began researching more into runes and their use of type. I had a base knowledge due to interest in Vikings because of my family heritage however I’ve also discovered that the Vikings not only had base letter and words you could form from that but also specific symbols for specific words instead of writing out the word each time. I’m going to incorporate this into my work and actually create symbols for some of the Norse Gods as well as my base alphabet. Here’s the picture I found that inspired this decision.


Quite a simple image, but paying attention to certain aspects of it, it’s really helped me forming some initial designs for my own type. For example the sharp edges the use of triangles and strong shapes throughout, the basic bold lines and smaller lines to add detailing and depth, all idea i’m aiming to construct my font around.