Week 10: Info-graphic idea set finally

After discussing my issue with our teacher Chris and he looked at some of my mock up vectors he began to structure it into a comic book front page and then it suddenly all clicked. I’m now doing a web comic style graphic novel that is sarcastic and has some facts about Einstein but the facts are looked at in a different way, a more cynical approach to the information and task. This isn’t a reflection of my feelings towards the task though its simply because the web comics that interest me and I read are all in a sarcastic, cynical and simple lay out and style.

Initial mock up of the front cover, i’ve used the term “zine” cause I want it to sound pretentious and yet underground at the same time.


Week 8: Infographic Research and Idea Block

Unfortunately despite thinking about it the majority of my waking ideas i’m yet to find an idea i’m excited about. I have ideas I could do and do them to a standard that they’d at least pass but they don’t excite me. For me I feel my best work comes from when I have an idea and my blood boils so I just have to get working on it, refining it till i’m happy and i’m not usually entirely happy and knit pick my own work a lot.

I’ve looked at some fonts though that I may incorporate into my infographic just basic science style fonts, have some reference images too and vectored and Einstein face but no spark yet. I’m aware in the working world that it doesn’t matter if I am excited for a project but usually despite the brief I can make it exciting for me, still not happened yet for this.



Week 7: Beginning of Multi-Format/Inforgraphic

This week we had our second brief explained to us. It’s to create a set of infographics for different screen sizes and media types. The infographic however is covering Einsteins Theory Of Relativity, I understand the brief and why it’s laid out how it is, it’s to train us in the ways a company or client would give us a task and with having studied physics in college i’m hoping to be able to apply some knowledge here. However translating it into minimal words and more pictures I feel may be an issue. Initial research found some great infographics, this one in particular I focused on a lot.


I like the different manners of design going on, the flat 2d integrated with 3d, the colour schemes throughout looks professional and informative.

Week 6: Presentation and Feedback

The other work some people have produced in my group is outstanding, very artistic directions, really interesting inspirations and concepts I wouldn’t of come up with in a million years. It’s really interesting to see the research attached to these designs people have done too, lots of depth and lots different directions.

For my presentation I showed both upper and lower case fonts and also my practical application.

bookcover poster2




The feedback on my practical application was to more focus on my type than the design, the practical application is there to show your type in work but mainly to show your type. Which I hadn’t really thought about before. I also presented my symbols for the gods which went down quite well, i’m very happy about that. I’m fine with public speaking however my confidence in my designs need work as I hear myself making excuses for designs rather than just discussing the designs themselves. The symbols for the gods along with their name written in my font is below. This also brought to my attention that the basic font I’ve used underneath my font is way too big and was way too big throughout my presentation. Pulled some focus from my work. Lots to work on and lots to think about.

Slides4 Slides6 Slides5