Week 3: Illustrator and Initial Mock Ups

After thoroughly getting to grips with adobe illustrator which is essentially the exact tool I wanted to learn to further my design capabilities both within university and outside of.


As can be seen this has been created just with line and curve tool then changing certain aspects of the line themselves with the profile tool. I’m quite happy with the A in particular and I’ve added the smaller lines as details but this is just a mock up and already i’m noticing lots of issues to fix.

  • Two detail lines on the D are different size.
  • Two detail lines on F are incorrect and off center.
  • The rounded curves of the B are too close to the bottom and top lines.
  • The E’s main curve is horrendously off centre.

Week 2: Initial Idea Development

Moving forward with the futuristic Viking idea I’ve began researching more into runes and their use of type. I had a base knowledge due to interest in Vikings because of my family heritage however I’ve also discovered that the Vikings not only had base letter and words you could form from that but also specific symbols for specific words instead of writing out the word each time. I’m going to incorporate this into my work and actually create symbols for some of the Norse Gods as well as my base alphabet. Here’s the picture I found that inspired this decision.


Quite a simple image, but paying attention to certain aspects of it, it’s really helped me forming some initial designs for my own type. For example the sharp edges the use of triangles and strong shapes throughout, the basic bold lines and smaller lines to add detailing and depth, all idea i’m aiming to construct my font around.

Week 1: The Brief and Initial Ideas

This week we’ve been assigned a brief to make a minimum of six letters entirely in our own typographical style. I’m already quite excited about this project as it seems very open and many ideas have come straight away. Initially thinking of doing something possibly with shark teeth with a wave style behind the arranged teeth.


Arrange some of these into letter forms and then project or just have a wave painting as the background. Also possibly thinking of going in a Science Fiction direction but with a twist, it would be how Viking text would look if the Vikings were roaming in outer space.

Will also be good to see what class mates produce as this’ll be the first time sharing a class room with them. And hopefully learn a new program as my issue last semester for me was not being able to manipulate smaller images to be bigger without losing quality.