After several ideas not inspiring me to carry forward I finally settled on moving forward with my current plan.
My book is focusing on inspiring originality within its audience and focusing more on people being different and being talented in different fields but it all being okay. Focus on the idea that if you’re good at maths or good at art both are valid and neither is more important.
Due to restrictions of available materials I used some borrowed nail polish and painted over a basic outline of a face like shape.
Then I went onto illustrator and began fixing and cleaning up the image to use on front cover. Then created a rough draft of the front cover.
I’ve chosen to go for full A4 landscape format pages for the book and that this is the first draft. The font I’ve chosen something approachable an recognizable for children. Simple and friendly.
The title is reference to more pushing towards inspiring originality rather than copying/following what is considered normal or regular.